This means that we believe the Bible. We believe that God wrote it, using inspired men as his instruments. We believe that as originally written it contains no errors, and everything it teaches us is true. 

The Bible does not just teach ideas, it reveals a person. We believe that the Bible is the story of God redeeming a people for Himself, and that the revelation of Jesus Christ is the center of that story.


This means that our beliefs are explicit.  You can find them in the Westminster Confession of Faith and Catechisms.  We also benefit from The Heidelberg Catechism, Belgic Confession, and The Canons of Dort.  We believe that all of these documents are a faithful interpretation of Scripture.  They are not inspired, but they are inspiring.  They are not the Bible, but they are Biblical. 


We believe that outside the visible, institutional church there is ordinarily no salvation.  We realize this may be off-putting and controversial.  But if the church is the body of Christ (1 Cor. 12:12-13), is the kingdom of God on the earth (1 Pet. 2:9; Rev. 1:6), and that to reject the visible church is to reject Christ himself (Acts 9:4), then we cannot arrive at any other conclusion.

Because the Church is a kingdom, and Christ is our King, we are called to worship Him together as a people (Col. 1:13; Heb 12:18-24; Heb 10:24, 25).  We do this, after the pattern of the Apostles, every Sunday, known in Scripture as the Lord’s Day (Acts 20:7, Rev. 1:10).


We are a member church of the Presbyterian Church in America.  Our denomination was formed in 1973 but has its roots in the Protestant Reformation of the 16th and 17th centuries.  The word “Presbyterian” simply means that we are governed by elders who have been called to serve the church.  The manual that guides our practice as a church is called the Book of Church Order.


Every Sunday is Family Sunday at Church Hill Pres.  We encourage whole families to worship together, regardless of their age (though we have a wonderful nursery if you need it).  But in the Kingdom of God, family means more than just biological connection.  There is a spiritual connection as well.

Jesus said that “whoever does the will of God is my brother and sister and mother.”  (Mark 3:35)  The primary family unit in Scripture is the Church.  So, we take care of each other, we bear each other’s burdens (Gal 6:2), we encourage one another (Heb 10:25), and we are patient with each other (1 Thess 5:13).  We do this because we know we are all sinners, righteous in the sight of God only because of the work of Jesus Christ for us.

And just like in your family, there are characters and weirdos, over-achievers and normal people and always someone who doesn’t fit the mold.  And everyone belongs.  Everyone is loved.  Come join us at our table, and taste and see that the Lord is good.